Monday, May 5, 2014
What are the types of performance measures that could be used for assessing systems development projects?
You have to look at is the project on time, is it on budget, is the project on track or has it gone outside the realm of the original project scope. Are the stake holders happy, meaning not just the management like the CEO etc... but the users of said product as well, as with any good development process one is getting user feed back every step of the way. These are all factors that have to be considered when assessing any project systems development or otherwise.
How does the use of outsourcing impact the way in which a project is managed?
When a project or part of a project is outsourced, it can be difficult to manage the project. Things are no longer being done within the work group. Your having to deal with a whole new team that you really have no control over. That outsourced team is given a deadline for their deliverable, and a project manager has to ensure that, that time schedule is maintained, and if the outsourced team fails to meet said deadline then the project mangier would have to assess costs of maintaining that outsourced group, and just how far behind they are. Technically if an outsourced group doesn't get their deliverable in on time then they are fulfilling their contractual obligations, and could mean penalties for said group. But the project mangier has to decide if it is worth letting the outsourced group finish the project they were working on, or getting the work that was done and trying to finish it in house. Also have to consider how critical the project is that the outsourced group is doing if it's an important part of the over all project and the rest of the project can't move forward without that key part. Then the time lines have to be clear and lines of communication open the make sure that the outsourced team if needed can communicate with the team in house.
During the progress review, how might a project manager assess the contribution of each member of the project team?
The project manager would have to ask the person which aspects of the project that person helped to work on. If the person has a particular instance in which their incite or their work helped the project as a whole, even if it was to show what not to do, that could be useful the help assess their contribution. Could also look at their over all effort, how many hours are they working, based on feed back from group members are they giving a conservative effort to help achieve the project goals. Are their deliverables getting in on time, even if not finished, is there effort being put forth toward the end goal.
Why is user-centred development critical to successful systems development projects?
User centered development/design is important as ultimately it is the user that will be using the product. If only a developer knows how to navigate and use a product, no matter how useful said product my be. If its hard to use the product do to poor development or design then that product is a failure. No one wants to use something that they have to work at to use, even if it is once they get around the poor functionality of the thing to its very useful core. And it goes without saying if the product is a failure then it is a loss for the company as a whole. All the time and effort that went into making a seemingly good product that falls short due to bad development costs the company money. Focusing on the user throughout the process of development, doing user testing, getting feed back, making mock ups, keeping the design fluid and slowly refining the product down to something that will match both the needs of the user, and the company. That is the very essence of good UCD / UX Design.
What aspects of the workplace might motivate people's acceptance of change?
An open and communicative environment is key. People need to be informed about what is going on and how the change will be helpful to them, and to clear up any miss givings that they might have about said change. They will need to understand that this is for the good of all the company and not just one or two people. If any training is involved, then the better prepared people are for the change. The better trained, they are and the more comfortable they feel before the change happens, will help ease the adjustment curve to the new system.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
How does the IT environment contribute to the success or lack of success in systems development processes?
The environment of any work place be it IT or otherwise, is very important. A hostile working environment means that employee moral will be low and thus worker productivity low. And if hostile enough will actually be counter productive. On the other hand a collaborative working environment can lead to high levels of moral, and more production overall. The happier the people are working, the more likely they will get the work done in a timely manor.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
How often and in what ways might internal politics factor into project success?
Internal Office Politics can be a double edged sword, on an individual level a person might make a choice that will effect others adversely with out realizing it. Such as trying to garner more power for themselves as they try to climb the corporate ladder. This person can be seen as a usurper by their group of peers, as this person might undercut some of the other people who had been at the work place longer than them, and this can effect work place performance. However, growing bonds between employees and making their interpersonal relationships stronger. Seeing who meshes well together as individuals putting and putting them on teams together can increase productivity, as these people work well together and fighting over things within the office such as supplies or power will be decreased. However, that isn't to say that it will stop totally. People are still people, and at some point or another someones going to have a bad day. More times than not politics gets in the way, but its the bonds that we make as coworkers and friends that help to stem the tide of the bravado we try to exert over others in our struggle to climb that ladder.
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